Managing a business means you are probably most concerned about staying profitable and paying your bills and your employees. But when you focus too much on how much money a customer brings in, you forget to cultivate and nourish your relationship. Keeping a long-term...
As a business owner, you want to know that your marketing efforts work, your customers are satisfied, and, more importantly, buying your product or service. One of the best ways to create more leads is to generate more website traffic. How do we produce more traffic?...
Social Media Marketing – Simply put social media marketing is the use of social media to promote your brand, services, or products whether locally, globally, or nationally. Social media includes popular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and many more. One...
Our client of the month this August is Centrality Business Technologies. Centrality provides IT services including support, data security, consulting, and backup as well as business phone systems and infrastructure cabling. Since 1996 they have been providing clients...
Let us discuss the oh so infamous customer review and the difficulty it is for someone to rate your service. As a fellow business owner, we know just how important and influential customer reviews can be. Personally, I like looking for reviews before making a purchase...